
8th GEO European Projects Workshop (GEPW-8)

Athens, Greece | 12 – 13 June

The eighth of the annual series of GEO European Projects Workshops brings all those interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) from all over Europe together, in order to present their work and discuss how Europe can contribute to this international effort, especially in the wake of the launch of the new EU Framework Programme for Research, Horizon 2020, and renewal of the mandate of GEO for another 10 years through the endorsement of the 2014 Geneva Declaration.

Registration for attendance deadline: May 23, 2014
Registration of presentation deadline: April 30, 2014
Registration of poster deadline: May 16, 2014


 EGDI Scope

Scoping Study for a pan-European Geological Data Infrastructure FINAL EVENT
Bruxelles, Belgium | 20 April

EuroGeoSurveys is pleased to announce that the EGDI-Scope final event will take place in Brussels, on Tuesday 20th May, at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences.

During the meeting, the most important results of the study will be presented, and during the Panel Session decision makers and envisaged end users will be encouraged to state their opinion of EGDI and visions for the role of European Geological knowledge and information in the future, mainly with regard to European policy development in relevant domains such as mineral resources, soil, groundwater and e-infrastructures.

EGU General Assembly 2014

European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014
Vienna, Austria | 27 April – 02 May 2014

For the first time in 2014 the EGU General Assembly has a theme: the Face of the Earth.

 EGDI Scope The Face of the Earth theme intends to celebrate the diversity of geoscience processes and the great variety of associated forms, across all scales and from the core of the Earth to interplanetary space. This diversity is reflected in the five subtopics of the 2014 meeting: Rocks of the Earth, Waters of the Earth, Life of the Earth, Atmosphere of the Earth, and Space and the Earth.

EGDI-Scope Session: Digital infrastructures to enhance international geoscience information access, provision and use | Wednesday 30th April. Convener: Matthew Harrison

The objective of this session was to provide a forum to advance collaboration and to discuss the integration and harmonisation of geological information and services, to inform ongoing European and global initiatives. There are also links to existing Infrastructures and research infrastructures, including for example the implementation of INSPIRE specifications.

For detailed information on the Session Programme please click here

GEO-X and 2014 Ministerial Summit

Geneva, Switzerland | 13 January – 17 January 2014

The Summit would have one major outcome, which is Ministers – through a declaration – to decide the continuation of GEO after 2015 and give a mandate to define the “Second Implementation Plan 2025”. The Ministers are also expected to review the progress against the GEOSS Strategic Targets and to confirm their commitment to complete the current 2005-2015 Implementation Plan.


Moving geodata and services to the cloud: first return on experience and training

21 November 2013 Brussels, Belgium

The InGeoCLOUDS project aims at demonstrating the feasibility of employing a cloud-based infrastructure coupled with the necessary services to provide seamless access to geospatial public sector information, especially targeting the geological, geophysical and other geoscientific information.
Geodata information possesses interesting characteristics like the size of the available data, the existing metadata descriptions (mostly according to the European Directive INSPIRE) and the current availability of related services that can be moved to the cloud.
Project partners’ data and services, available under more traditional infrastructures can be easily deployed to the cloud. One of the project challenges would be the linking of the partners’ data among themselves and with relevant external datasets.
On top of the basic cloud services the project plans to demonstrate the ability to build more intelligent services by using and combining data seamlessly integrated through the cloud. Linked Open Data principles and technologies are used. Based on the gained experience, the project will provide guidelines in order to support the partners and other stakeholders of public information in their efforts to move more of their services and data to the cloud in order to decide the best possible roadmap, the requirements of the underlying infrastructure that will be chosen as a host, the requirements for the services and the possible pros and cons of these choices. In summary we plan to provide the necessary documentation, the related analysis, the roadmap and a set of working services to support organizations that need to move large amounts of public sector information to the cloud.
The service-based infrastructure created by the project can survive the pilot and demonstration phases since the partners plan to integrate it in their infrastructure and various charge-on-demand financial models can be employed to support it.

Ensuring Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data – PV Conference 2013

4-6 November 2013 Frascati, Italy

Ensuring Long-Term Preservation and Adding Value to Scientific and Technical Data – PV Conference 2013 welcomes you to its seventh edition to continue addressing prospects in the domain of scientific and technical data preservation together with value adding to these data.

Scientific data access, comprehension and interoperability is vital to tackle the challenges the scientific community is facing. As an example, certain environmental analysis, like those supporting the long-term climate change variables measurement, requires historical data records to be periodically reprocessed to conform to the latest revisions of scientific understanding and modelling techniques. This in turn requires access to and understanding of the original processing, including scientific papers, algorithm documentation, processing sources code, calibration tables, databases and ancillary datasets.

Read more here

EGU General Assembly 2013

07/04/13, 14:00 – 12/04/13, 13:00 – Location Austria Center Vienna, Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2013 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. Especially for young scientists, it is the aim of the EGU to provide a forum where they can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geosciences. The EGU is looking forward to cordially welcoming you in Vienna.

3D Geological modelling – towards a European level infrastructure by Kathryn A Lee et al.
Session ESSI2.3, room R5 on Tuesday, 09 Apr 2013, 14:30:

For details of the corresponding presentation as well as of the Session programme please see here

Working towards a European Geological Data Infrastructure by Rob van der Krogt et al.
Session SM1.3/ESSI2.13/GD8.6/GMPV44/TS9.11, room B3 on Friday, 12 Apr 2013, 15:45:

For details of your presentation as well as of the corresponding Session programme please see here

GISC Monitoring Matters (GMES in-situ coordination)

10/04/2013, 14:00 – 11/04/2013, 13:00 – Location : Copenhagen Towers – Oerestads Boulevard 114-118 – DK-2300 Copenhagen S – Denmark

Monitoring Matters will provide a stage for the solutions and proposals related to the in-situ component to be presented and discussed among all relevant stakeholders. It will give a voice to the GMES services, networks and organisations who will have the opportunity to express their views on the future of the in-situ component. Amongst other aims, the event will also be a forum for GMES stakeholders to:
• discuss the added value of GMES in-situ coordination and their own role in GMES
• discuss the proposed solutions for in-situ coordination with a view to shaping the evolution of GMES in-situ partnerships
• highlight the lessons learned from the case studies undertaken through GISC
• promote sustainable solutions for the knowledge and expertise acquired through the GISC project.…/gisc-eventCopia cache

7th GEO European Projects Workshop

15/04/13 – 16/04/13 – Location: « Casa de la Convalescència », C/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret 171 08041-Barcelona, Spain

The European Commission is pleased to announce the 7th GEO European Projects Workshop (GEPW-7) which will take place in Barcelona, on 15 and 16 April, hosted by CREAF (Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications) and the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, through the European project GeoViQua.

GEPW-7 will continue and extend the effort to develop the collaboration between the GEO initiative and the European Commission projects on Earth Observation funded through the Framework Programme of Community Research in order to present their work and actively discuss how Europe can contribute to GEO and GEOSS..

Geospatial World Forum

13/05/13 – 16/05/13 – Location: Beurs-World Trade Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Geospatial World Forum is a premier event for the global geospatial community showcasing state-of-the-art technology and its utility in the world economy. The conference aims at enriching the geospatial ecosystem, which comprises of the geospatial technology providers, users, policy makers and the academia with market intelligence, latest technology knowledge, success stories and capacity building. It is a confluence of a variety of activities in the form of plenary, symposia, seminars, workshops, panel discussions, dialogue and exchange forums – covering the vast gamut of technology, application, policy, use cases from across the world.

RIDE – Research and Education Infrastructure Dissemination Event

20/05/13 – 24/05/13 – Location: Opatija/ Abbazia, Adriatic Cost , Croatia, Grand Hotel Adriatic Convention Center and Hotel Admiral

Research Infrastructures contribute to the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy and its Innovation Union Flagship Initiative and enable the building up of the European Research Area. We will point out a Research Infrastructure as a very important topic on a prominent place at the 36th MIPRO that is expecting over 1,000 visitors with 600 papers from all over the world presented and a rich additional program. MIPRO 2013 is organizing a Research and Education Infrastructure Dissemination Event – RIDE and would like to invite you to participate in our RI oriented projects exhibition. We expect 20 ESFRI Roadmap, RI and other EU and national strategic projects for dissemination and the display of achievements in the development and gained results. The organizer will arrange exibition booths and provide all services to interested participants. Interested should contact us by email and we will send detailed instructions and requirements of participation.


Inspire Conference

23/06/13 – 27/06/13 – Location: Palazzo dei Congressi, Piazza Adua 1 – 50123 , Firenze, Italy

Welcome to Florence, the cradle of Renaissance! 

As much as the Renaissance movement profoundly affected European intellectual life, its influence felt in art, literature, politics, science, religion, etc., so is INSPIRE influencing the way in which information for managing our planet can be shared and served. 

Alike the Renaissance movement, INSPIRE is slowly, but steadily spreading over Europe and beyond, with on the way, its principles being debated and implemented. 

The aim of this year’s INSPIRE Conference is therefore to take stock of this progress. To further exchange views and experiences on how INSPIRE is meeting past and emerging challenges and needs. To identify new opportunities and to finally, reflect collectively on how INSPIRE can further evolve to maximise its benefits for society.
